Attention Overwhelmed Coaches, Creatives & Service Providers: You don’t need to add MORE “stuff” to your business to make MORE. In fact, it’s just the opposite…

Organize and Simplify Your Business–and Increase Your Profits!

2 Day Business Intensive

Intensive February 27-28th from 1pm EST to 3 PM EST 

Do you wake up every day already overwhelmed? Are you drowning in to-do lists and almost-but-not-quite-done projects? Are you looking for something to save your sanity–and your bank account?

Tell me. Are you:

Overwhelmed with projects, countless to-do lists, and apps, tools and subscriptions you thought you needed to grow your business, even though some you’ve never even used?

Because you don't even have the time to commit to learning the tool!!!

Buried under half-finished funnels and projects and all those “brilliant” ideas that sounded so good in your head, but never came to fruition?

Distracted as all get out by the shiny objects all over the Internet and Internet marketers screaming, “Buy this app!,” “Take this course!,” “Use this thing!”?

I’m gonna bet the answer is YES.

Seriously: If you’re like most people who’ve run their businesses online for a few years, then chances are you don’t even know what you own anymore and you’ve spent more on digital courses and subscriptions than you’d like to admit — even to yourself.

As a result? You’re in a perpetual state of overwhelm, your life is governed by distractions and whenever you sit down at your computer or start scrolling through your mobile, you feel instantly on edge (and lost).

‘Cause the truth is, all the things you thought were supposed to help make life easier and all those “awesome” ideas you thought were “the one,” but then abandoned a week later?

They’ve only complicated your digital life (and business), and made it harder to get things done, keep track of everything and make more money (whether you realize that last bit or not).


Here's the Truth: Too Much "Extra Fluff" in Your Business Affects Your Productivity and Your Profits!

It’s not just your ability to focus and get things done that goes down the drain when you’re overwhelmed with too many apps, tools and half-baked assets (like all those almost-done e-books, blog posts, content upgrades, programs…you name it).

It’s also bad for your bottom line when you’re paying for tools that you don’t need (or use) or putting off launching new offers because your business is littered with products, packages or other content with “loose ends.”

The good news is…

It doesn’t matter if you’re using a ton of tools that are overpriced, underutilized or both…

…Or feel like you’ve got a million projects just lingering in limbo–and taking up plenty of precious brain space…

…Or just feel like you’re suffocating under digital clutter, but don’t know where to start “trimming the fat”…

There IS a light at the end of the tunnel. It doesn’t have to be that way!

Yep, it’s completely possible to simplify your business and then amplify your efforts and profits and get your time, money and sanity back!

I’m gonna hit you with an analogy, so stay with me.

You know what happens when you’re training for a body-building competition, right?

Well…if you want to stop feeling suffocated, overwhelmed, and leaking profits in your biz, you’ve gotta do the same thing for your business!

Yes, ‘body-building’ for your business is a process. But it’s a process that over time, will lead to incredible gains. (See what I did there? Gains? Anyway…)

Investing just one month into streamlining your business now can have benefits not only on your pocket book, but on your brand and health and business vision too–for years to come.

I can help.

Just imagine what it’d be like to have someone walk you through exactly what you need to do to organize, streamline and simplify your coaching business and then squeeze every little drop out of what you already have!

Whaddya say? Are you ready to whip your business into shape, coach?


Simplify Your Business 2 Day Business Intensive

I’m going to show you exactly how you create a business that will position you for long term success without the overwhelm and burnout. 

  • 90 Day Strategic Plan.  Once you have your strategic plan you can plan the entire year without overwhelm.
  • Stop paying for tools, memberships and programs you don’t need! (This is major cause of stress for many entrepreneurs. I’m over it, and I bet you are, too!)
  • Make more cash without creating more content– just by finding and refining assets you’ve already got! I am going to share with you how to do less but attract more...!
  • Discover exactly which projects, side hustles and offers are sucking up your precious resources–so you can let them go for good (without guilt)
  • Reset your business—and get back into the flow with renewed confidence and clarity!

Sound like just what you’re after? Here’s everything included in this 2 Day Business Intensive!

Simplify Your Business Intensive Overview

Intensive February 27-28th from 1pm EST to 3 PM EST 

A Few Small Tweaks Can Remove the Stress and Lead to Business Bliss and Increased Income!

Just imagine:

  • Knowing exactly what you should be focusing on in business and your next step.
  • Transforming your business from an expensive hobby to the business of your dreams! 
  • A simple & proven blueprint to help get results while attracting your ideal clients. It doesn’t matter if you are new online. This will position you to launch your business in 90 days or less. This will work for you.
  • Worrying about in the day-to-day management of your biz–less tools, less apps, less ‘clutter’, less bills!
  • Finally making REAL money from what you already have! 
  • No longer paying for tools, subscriptions, apps and features you never use–so you get your money, time, and sanity back!

If you want to get more out of your business, it starts with simplifying. Once you get rid of what no longer works and what you should focus on to position yourself for long term success!

Intensive February 27-28th from 1pm EST to 3 PM EST 

Pay In Full Discounted Rate ONLY $147

Two Payment Option - Intensive Price $225